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Job Templates

If you wish to reuse a Job on a regular basis for scheduling purposes, you may wish to create a Job Template to make this quicker and easier.

To create a Job Template navigate to Job Templates via the left hand menu:

The Job Templates screen will display a list of all previously created templates if any have been created previously.  To create a new Template click on the NEW TEMPLATE link, top right:

The Job Template screen will need completing with the required information:

Please enter the Template Name and Description.  You can also add specific Template Tags as well to assist with searching and filtering through results in the Job Browser.  Simply type the Tag in and hit enter.

You can make the Template editable once it has been created by checking the box.  If you want to lock down the template so no further changes can be made when completing a Job, please leave this blank.

Once the key information has been entered at the top, start to build your Template by adding relevant Tasks.  Select which Workflow you want to include, give it a Task Name and add a Description, if needed.  If you want to add multiple Tasks, click on ADD TASK at the bottom.  There is no limitation to the number of Tasks that can be added to a Template.

Once the Tasks and Template Information have all been added, you can Manage Members. This determines which users and/or groups are able to access and run Jobs using the Template being created.

Select Users and/or Groups to identify those users who will be able to access and run the Job Template once it is created:

Finally click to save your changes:

Once you have created your Job Template you can select NEW JOB and then select the required template from the list.  See Starting a New Job.

Editing/Deleting Job Templates

To edit an existing Job Template, select it from the list to open up the Job Template panel, make your required changes and then click to save.  The amended Job Template will automatically refresh and update for any previously created/scheduled Jobs.

There is an option to Delete the Job Template from the Job Template panel when it is launched, or alternatively this can be done via the main menu by clicking on the 'bin' icon on the right side of the screen.